So it begins. . .

Frankly, there is nothing more boring than a mindless Lefty. The outcomes of their actions (and ceaseless screaming), however, aren’t nearly so yawnsome:
THE SPECTRE of a nuclear race in the Middle East was raised yesterday when six Arab states announced that they were embarking on programmes to master atomic technology. Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE and Saudi Arabia seek atom technology

The move, which follows the failure by the West to curb Iran’s controversial nuclear programme, could see a rapid spread of nuclear reactors in one of the world’s most unstable regions, stretching from the Gulf to the Levant and into North Africa.
Terrific. Now, let’s see what all the fuss has been about. From Mark Levin we read:
So, the New York Times reports on its front page today that Saddam Hussein had the necessary information and expertise to build nuclear weapons as far back as pre-1991, and that the information is so damning even now that posting it on a public website fifteen years later could assist other regimes, including Iran, in building such weapons.

The Times has just confirmed two things: 1. President Bush was right when he said that Hussein was a threat to the world because, among other things, he would continue to pursue weapons of mass destruction; and 2. congressional Republicans were right in demanding a more aggressive and thorough effort by the Pentagon to interpret the enormous number of documents captured from the Iraqi regime.
So tell us something we didn’t, in reality, already know. Saddam’s nuclear ambitions had to be the worst kept secret on the planet (unless you’re a Bush-hating Lefty, of course).

Let’s sum it up, though: on the one hand we have the Left and their various fellow travellers screaming their guts out at the fact that we did finally take action to prevent Saddam getting his hands on the bomb and doing his worst. On the other, they’re screaming their guts out almost as loudly at the fact that we did not take the same action against Iran and the Norks.

Well done, Lefties. It seems like you’ve very effectively paralysed us with your usual split-brained insanity. Mission accomplished. I’m just left wondering, though - what is it you think you have accomplished?

But what of Iraq? We should have had a plan, should we? Iraq the disaster? Iraq the quagmire? No plan for reconstruction after the event? But what the fuck kind of plan did the dicks of the Left have in mind? Has anyone, just once, asked a fucking Lefty what kind of plan they had (apart from yelling a lot)? What their solution was?

Jump in any time, Lefties – fascinated to hear. . .

But let’s go further. Should we have waited, then? Held our hand? What, a bloody war and a subsequent decade (of sanctions) wasn’t long enough? Maybe world opinion is what we should have waited for? The French, perhaps, and their oh-so-important stamp of approval? The corrupt, Gallic swine who clearly stated: ‘no military action against Iraq under any circumstances’? Sure. All terrific in hindsight. But actually, no, hindsight would not have been our friend. As with the benefit of hindsight, perhaps, we’d have waited. Waited every bit as long as we’re waiting now. Waited for the Kahn network, for example, to have finally fed Saddam with the nuclear key he so craved. So where would we be now, then? A nuclear standoff between Iraq and Iran, maybe? Actual nuclear war?

Here’s my message to the fuckwit Left: stick your admonishments where the sun doesn’t shine. The Left, so-called, has no solutions. All it has is shiny-eyed impotence; the kind of shiny-eyed impotence that comes from never, ever doing a fucking thing, other than happily launching salvos when anyone actually does. In this respect, the vile earthworm that is Bob Brown typifies today’s Leftist: ‘Attack Iraq’, he originally shouted, ‘Remove Saddam’. Then, when we did just that? ‘Stop attacking Iraq,’ he screamed, ‘Don’t remove Saddam!’

If he (and the Left) weren’t doing so much damage, I’d laugh. Fact is, though, how the fuck can anyone believe they’re right in the face of such unbelievable lunacy? Simple: it’s their religion; it’s their tribe. And but for fifty years, another place, and a nice brown shirt, they’d have been feeding people into gas chambers.

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