Quick question...

With the G20 summit and the inevitable violence that will be committed by leftist fuckheads, can anyone come up with a good reason why the police should not be given shoot to kill powers?

The sole reason leftists are going is to commit violence, assault police, destroy shops, vandalise others property, and prevent innocent people going about their lawful business, so why not lay out the ground rules?

Namely - one projectile gets thrown, one person is prevented going about their business, and the police will use and and all means they desire to end it?

That seems like a kickass idea to me but what do others think?

(Except leftists - I dont give a fuck what you wankers think because you all believe that you have a right to commit violence, assault police, destroy shops, vandalise others' property, and prevent innocent people going about their lawful business and should be allowed to do so without consequence, so go fuck yourselves and have a cry about how you are not allowed to commit violence, assault police, destroy shops, vandalise others' property, and prevent innocent people going about their lawful business)

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