Do not adjust your screens

Yes my Beslan post has disappeared and yes it will be back later this evening.

Apparently it was causing the formatting problems when viewed in the IE browser. Sorry it took so long to notice but everything looked fine in Firefox.

But I don't mind catering to users of that shitty IE browser (enjoy having your computer hacked, all your personal and financial details stolen, and probably your soul possessed by demons through one of IE's numerous security holes) when all I have to do is delete the post and retype the whole *#$`~!&% thing. I mean it's not like I have stuff I'd rather be doing like playing computer games or watching excessively violent and gory horror films...

But am I bitter? Err... nevermind.

In the meantime, do yourselves a favour and upgrade to a proper browser - ya know - a good one.

Oh and don't install the Google (or any other, for that matter) toolbar- it is just more shit to clutter up your menu bars and computer memory. And seriously, it is not hard to type google or yahoo or whatever .com into an address bar should you need to search for something.


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