Truman a Fascist?

I note that there was a post on the rather aptly named Australian Leftist blog called "Cut-price Commentariat" which referred to this blog as "Mike Jericho’s posse of (now) out-and-out fascists". Why? Because Sherry welcomed the rumour that Osama has been warned that he risks Mecca being nuked if there are any more attacks on the USA. Sherry has of course replied but she has not really addressed the Lefty's argument. Let me do so.

It should be noted that there have been no attacks on the USA since 9/11/2001 so the rumour is a plausible one. Our Lefty blogger however seems to think that using the THREAT of nuclear attack (which was also what kept the Soviets at bay and ensured the long post-1945 peace in the Western world) is "Fascist". Like most Leftists, however, he conveniently forgets his history. Who was the only national leader who ACTUALLY USED nukes? It was of course Democrat President Harry Truman, the heir of that great Leftist hero, FDR. So Harry Truman was clearly a "fascist" by the lights of our Lefty blogger -- which makes about as much sense as Leftist accusations usually do.

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