LCD Rulez!

No, it's not what you think if you thought this was going to be a paen of praise to technology.
It's a minor rant about the nannying bastards who seek to control every aspect of the lives of their fellow citizens. About the way these people, in the name of "safety" or "sensitivity" or the dozens of other code-words they use succeed only in reducing us to the level of the Lowest Common Denominator of society.
Their solution to almost every problem--real or imagined--is to ban, control and regulate human behaviour. The abuse of recreational drugs must be controlled by banning the substance. (even to the point where heroin, for example, a peerless painkiller for the terminally ill can become almost impossible for a person dying in agony to obtain sufficient doses of) The excuse I've often heard for not prescribing an adequate dose of painkilling medication is that the poor bastard in pain "may become addicted". Right. Better to impose a "superior" morality than to alleviate suffering, after all.
Some people drive too fast for the conditions and their level of skill and as a result kill and maim others. The solution is better driver training and education, starting at an early age, right?
Not at all. The "solution" is to charge already over-taxed motorists huge amounts of money for travelling a mere 10 kmh over some abitrarily set speed limit. Regardless of road, weather and traffic conditions. To condemn and hector manufacturers for producing overly powerful and fast cars, as though cars themselves were capable of making the decisions that kill people. So we end up with anodyne swarms of rotten little "economical" tin cans travelling at a snail's pace in order to protect us all.
Some psycho beats his/her kids in a drunken rage? Well, the obvious answer to that is to ban smacking. As though responsible caring parents (the vast majority, whatever "child safety" advocates may suggest) aren't capable of making the judgement that a swift smack on the bum may teach a child more (and quicker) something that may keep that child safe from harm. These fools conveniently ignore the huge psychological damage that poor parenting can inflict for life--without leaving a bruise.
It's too hard, you see. Far easier to ban smacking and pat themselves on the back while they enjoy the warm self-righteous glow of the do-gooder. Most of this interference is justified on very specious grounds indeed--when in fact it's no more than the imposition of a tiny pressure group's moral judgements on the rest of us. As though they have some magical access to truths that are hidden from (or superior to) the rest of us.
Now I've just read what may be the ultimate piece of nannying drivel ever to come out of the Velvet Gulag known as New Zealand:
The Advertising Standards Authority has banned an advertisement which shows a father and son sharing a swig from the same bottle of soft drink! The horror of it! A spokeswoman explains that this is because society has "moved on" and no longer regards such things as acceptable, given the risks associated with sharing saliva and meningococcal disease and yada yadayada....
Words almost fail.
Over a long, dangerous and sometimes irresponsible life this writer has developed an interest in observing the kind of creature that enjoys meddling in the lives of others. Through a mixture of loathing and fascination--like looking at dust mites through a microscope--I've learned to recognise some features common to almost all of them.
Mostly but by no means all they're female and past child-bearing age. Taking a second shot at motherhood by interfering in the lives of adults, mothering by proxy the children of others.
Secondly, they're almost exclusively lefties, obssessed with some Utopian vision of the Perfectly Safe Society. As though safety in life were the be all and end all of existence. Risk and adventure are to be minimised and if they can't be minimised then they should be simply banned. Made unrespectable. Hooligan behaviour. (eerie echoes of the Soviets there, where "hooliganism" was a serious crime against the State)
My message to these interfering, purse-lipped, disapproving, sanctimonious do-gooder nannies is only this: Fuck off and leave me alone!
(Many thanks to James for giving me the opportunity to post this and any lowering of the tone in AWH is entirely my fault, not his.)

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