Attack of the Left

I have, for sometime, been of the opinion that the left are more noise than anything else, endless whingeing and whining, can't do this, can't do that, the state knows best, surrender surrender, wretched America blah blah blah.

I have always wondered when all the leftists, socialists (I don't think there is a difference), eco terrorists and America haters would band together to form an alliance, I mean they are always waffling on about how bad America and capitalists are. Well why can't they show us how it is done then, they can use their meetings, social engineering, hand holding, soft power and mass weeping to bring economic prosperity to all their country men.

I had high hopes for France, but they were derailed on the 'road to Utopia' by mass rioting, pillaging and a general consensus by the population, to avoid hard work and 'earning your way' through life.
The Spanish were going pretty well, they stood up to the Imperialist Uncle Sam and left him high and dry in Iraq to appease Jihadist 'peace' agents, they seemed to surpass the flailing French but are now side tracked over the legal standing of monkeys on Spanish soil.
The British stood their ground, then wavered a bit, and now seem stuck in a quagmire of rebuilding toilets to appease Islamist 'peace' agents and defecation guidelines.

But there is hope, all you neo-cons, American Fascists and Conservatives, start quaking in your boots, there rises a powerful alliance of leftists from the south to challenge your power, after shrugging off the capitalist shackles and flipping the mighty USA the bird, they have banded together with common goals and a unified plan to liberate their citizens and deliver them, Utopia on a silver platter.
Bolivia's new left-leaning president signed a pact with Cuba and Venezuela on Saturday that rejects U.S.-backed free trade and promises a socialist version of regional commerce and cooperation.

With Cuba's Fidel Castro and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez seated nearby, President Evo Morales signed an updated version of the so-called Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, adding Bolivia as a third member.

"In Cuba and Venezuela we find unconditional solidarity," Morales said. "They are the best allies for changing Bolivia."
With any luck, leftists around the world, including ones in America who threatened to leave the wretched land, will now desert us in droves and make for these new lands of opportunity to play their part in the destiny of this mighty alliance.

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