The do-gooder hate keeps flowing

Albanese's bright idea has been a disaster.  It has injected hate into Australian race relations.  He has done huge damage and will be held to account for it one way or another, probably at the next Federal election.  He has divided Australians instead of uniting them.  But Leftists love destroying what they can of existing society so he is a great success by Leftist standards

The do-gooder fool below thinks "Voice" will solve Aboriginal problems but there is no mechanism for it to do so.  Millions are already being spent to solve the problems of Aborigines but nothing governments have tried works.  A huge problem aong Aborigines is domestic violence.  I have seen it in action myself.  But since when has any government been able to do anything about domestic violence?

Ever since the missionaries were booted out of Aboriginal settlements, Aboriginal life has gone steadily downhill.  I have known Aborigines from both the missionary era and the post-missionary era and the difference is stark

Television icon Ray Martin has labelled No voters as 'dinosaurs and d***heads' in a scathing speech to a cheering crowd of Voice supporters.

The veteran journalist and presenter ripped into No voters during the Yes rally at  Marrickville's Factory Theatre in Sydney's inner west on September 28.

Video obtained by Daily Mail Australia shows Martin taking aim at the No side's 'If you don't know, vote No' slogan, saying: 'If you don't know, find out what you don't know. 

'What that slogan is saying is if you're a dinosaur or d***head who can't be bothered reading, then vote No.' 

Martin then went on to slam the No campaign's primary argument that there is not enough information on how the Voice will operate, arguing such detail 'simply don't matter'.

'They never did matter. Honestly, they're irrelevant,' he said.

'Over the next 10, 20 or 30 years, no matter who is in government, the details will change, as will the members of the Voice delegation according to the needs and priorities and policies that are meant to close that bloody gap.

'You can't write all that into the constitution.'

The speech was given in front of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and was held in his electorate of Grayndler. 

'What we've done for 235 years, often with the best of intentions and spending billions of your taxpayer dollars, is leave Indigenous Australians as the poorest, sickest, most suicidal, most imprisoned, jobless homeless people in our rich society. 

'With poverty and third-world diseases like scabies, for God's sake, that rubs their skin raw and trachoma that sends them blind five times the rate of white Australians, and rheumatic heart disease that kills so many Aboriginal children, guesstimate of two kids a week. And an overall life expectancy which is 20 years less than the rest of Australians. 

'This referendum is clearly not about dividing Australia. It's about caring.'


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