"Never let it be forgotten that it was the British Left who gave succour to the monstrous Mr Mugabe"

"Mr Mugabe had his fans on the Left of British politics even when his gallant "freedom fighters" were raping nuns and killing civilians in the "liberation war" of the 1970s.
Tony Benn, an icon of the Left, gleefully endorsed Mugabe despite his soldiers' record of rape and torture
Because he was opposed by Ian Smith and the white settlers, regarded on the Left as the epitome of evil, the occasional lapses of his spirited boys in the bush were generally overlooked.

When he was returned by a huge majority in 1980 in British-sponsored elections, many in the liberal media were delighted.

The then abrasively Left-wing Tony Benn (today rebranded as the nation's cuddly grandad) wrote rapturously in his diaries that he "could not remember anything giving me so much pleasure for a long time".

Not even the massacres in Matabeleland really shook the confidence of his admirers on the Left.
The BBC, which had covered Ian Smith's much less shocking excesses in assiduous detail, largely ignored Mr Mugabe's genocide against his own people.

Even now it is seldom referred to, no doubt because it explodes the myth that Mr Mugabe used to be a good guy. "
Daily Mail

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