idiot leftists pick wrong target:

"Let me check again what tomorrow's big Stop Bush 2007 rally outside Sydney's APEC meeting is demanding.
Hmm. Foreign troops out. Defend workers' rights. Stop global warming.
And, indeed, at the APEC meeting is a president who really does occupy a foreign country, really does trample workers' rights and really does lead a country that now belches more greenhouse gases than any other.
What's more, this president also runs a gulag, bans free speech, stacks courts, jails dissidents, executes crooks and leads a government even he admits is too corrupt.
That's surely enough to tick the box of every protester in Sydney.
So here's the puzzle: why isn't tomorrow's protest called Stop Hu Jintao 2007 instead?"
Andrew Bolt (via Fortress Australia)
I'd be genuinely interested to hear from a lefty about the reasons for this.
Are they not aware of China's record? Do they view the Chinese as somehow exempt from the standards they would apply to America? Are Chinese workers less deserving of decent conditions and clean air?
Tell us in a dozen words, lefties--why Bush, why not Hu?

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