I have not lost faith

I have not posted for some time, but don’t wish my lack of activity to signal some kind of loss of faith in what we are or what we believe. I have a family to feed and a business to take care of – my absence has been as simple as that.

Here in Australia, I watch poll after poll declare deep voter dissatisfaction. But dissatisfaction about what? About our Government? On what grounds? That our Prime Minister lies (which is about all I can glean from the so-called ‘pundits’)? He doesn’t. And the lefties have not, in fact, been able to cite a single instance of same, apart from their usual mantras that are, themselves, a complete pack of lies.

Not one instance (and bring it on, dickheads – let’s see how effective your accusations actually are).

Iraq? We were right, on any and every basic standard of human conduct. That Saddam represented a threat is beyond argument. That he was a murderous dictator is without argument. That he supported terrorism is equally beyond argument, unless you’re a lefty, with no scruples, conscience or moral fibre (to speak of). Afghanistan? The lefties are even deserting that one, now seeking to elevate the Taliban by smearing the US and its actions there; a combat they originally supported (until political expediency drove them to the usual), and have now deserted, like the disgusting, vicious, hysterical moral reprobates that they are, and on virtually every level, as they continue to raise the volume on their insane and destructive babbling.

Keep it up, lefties. The truth that is you is the greatest weapon we have.

So do I believe what the polls in Australia are saying? I do not. Why? Because they’re insane; they have been from moment one. The ALP has very clearly told us precisely what it intends to do if it gains government, and Kevin Rudd is a proven liar before he has even begun. Under the ALP’s auspices of point scoring and score settling, if it gains what it seeks, then the electorate can kiss it all goodbye.

They actually want this? They actually believe what the leftist MSM is spewing?

I actually think not.

And I will never forget the expressions of shock on the faces of the ABC commentators at the last election.

The ALP was a shoe-in then, too.

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