leftists, THIS is the endpoint of your stinking multiculturalism:

Sweden: Muslim immigrants speak:
"Svante Feriz and Pajtim, members of Gangsta Albanian Thug Unit in Malmö, explain how they mug people downtown. They target a lone victim. "We surround him and beat and kick him until he no longer fights back," Feriz says. They are always many more people than their victims. Isn't this cowardly? "I have heard that from many, but I disagree. The whole point is that they're not supposed to have a chance." They don't express any sympathy for their victims. "If they get injured, they just have themselves to blame for being weak," says Pajtim and shrugs. "Many of us took part in gangs which fought against the Serbs in Kosovo. We have violence in our blood." They blame the politicians for why they are mugging, stating that they are bored. If the state could provide them with something to do, maybe they would stop attacking people. But is the lack of leisure pursuits the only reason why they assault people? "No, it's good fun as well," says Feriz.
Criminal gangs of Albanians thus freely admit assaulting Swedes, but Swedes cannot suggest that there are criminal gangs of Albanians. That's just racist.
"Dahn Pettersson, a local politician, has been fined 18,000 kronor for writing that 95 percent of all heroin brought in comes via Albanians from Kosovo. "It is never ethnic groups that commit crimes. It is individuals or groups of individuals," prosecutor Mats Svensson told the court, which found Pettersson guilty of "Agitation Against a Minority Group."

Francis Porretto: "Before I started reading about Sweden's current conditions, I'd have said France would be first to fall to the Islamic darkness. From this and other reports from the field, it now appears that Sweden has beaten the rest of Europe to the terminal stage of the disease. It's finished, politically, economically, and culturally, and can no longer be saved."

I wonder--when muslims become the majority in Sweden, will there still be such an offence as "crimes against a minority group"?

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