From the pot into the fire

Caroline Glick writing in the Jerusalem Post [I have made a few additions]

Israel is about to form a government led either by Kadima or Labor whose politicians insist on pretending that there is no problem here. Kadima's plan to remove Israeli communities and IDF forces from Judea and Samaria is based on an abject refusal to admit that the areas abandoned will be taken over by Hamas. Furthermore, as Olmert has repeatedly stated, Kadima refuses to acknowledge that Hamas is even a threat to Israel.

Last Thursday the first jihadist government since the Taliban ascended to power. The induction of the Hamas government in the Palestinian Authority has created a new dynamic in the Middle East. Today a force openly supportive of global jihadist organizations like al-Qaida and Hizbullah, allied with Iran, dedicated to the complete Islamization of Palestinian society and committed to the eradication of Israel now reigns in the Palestinian Authority.

Hamas is a jihadist organization rooted, like al-Qaida, in the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood movement. Hamas was founded in 1988. Its covenant defines the goal of Hamas's jihad as the eradication of Israel. Towards this end, the notion of negotiating a peace treaty with Israel is completely ruled out. As the covenant states, "There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by jihad."

The Hamas covenant places great emphasis on the need to indoctrinate the Palestinian people in the cause of jihad. Raising the banner of jihad, "requires the propagation of Islamic consciousness among the masses, locally [in Palestine], in the Arab world and in the Islamic world. It is necessary to instill the spirit of jihad in the nation, engage the enemies and join the ranks of the jihad fighters."

Since its electoral victory, Hamas has targeted nightclubs, bars, Westernized women and homosexuals in Gaza. Its platform backs these moves and future suppression of Western norms when it states, "We will foster respect for all views that do not deviate from the people's beliefs and their cultural heritage." Women are targeted specifically with the promise that they will be instructed [rope, crane, stones, liberating throats] in the ways of Islam to "familiarize" them with their "independent identity which is based on chastity and commitment."

In promoting and proselytizing jihad, Hamas will "support mosques and mosque facilities" and "ensure that places of worship serve both a missionary [jihad jihad jihad] and educational [careful with those wires, boys and girls] role in society." And the educational role of the mosques, like the role of schools and the media, will be to preach jihad. Hamas explains that its goal is to "improve our citizenry" with the goal of helping them "resist cultural normalization." The media under Hamas will receive "guidance... [similar to that dished out to western media, by associated Islamists, who flirted with publishing certain cartoons] so that they serve to elevate the Palestinian people and foster their perseverance and resistance."

It gets worse, it seems giving the jihadists room to breathe only serves to strengthen their resolve, time to regroup, retrain and rearm. Was it a mistake to cede land to the Palestinians?

Last Tuesday a Katyusha rocket was launched for the first time on Ashkelon. Since Israel's abandonment of the international border between Gaza and Egypt last September, al-Qaida operatives from Iraq and Hizbullah operatives from Lebanon have established bases of operation in Gaza.

Iranian Revolutionary Guards officers have begun assisting Hamas commanders in establishing, arming and training a new jihadist army. That army, which will be called the Murbitun, will be modeled after the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

To confirm her views

Newly-installed Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar on Sunday reiterated Hamas's desire to eliminate Israel and replace it with an Islamic state. "I dream of hanging a huge map of the world on the wall at my Gaza home which does not show Israel on it," Zahar said in the interview.

This dream, he added, "will become real one day. I'm certain of this because there is no place for the state of Israel on this land." However, Zahar, who is the overall leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, said he didn't rule out the possibility of having Jews, Muslims and Christians living under the sovereignty of an Islamic state,

[Right, what is the name of that tax us infidels are supposed to pay to our jihadist masters.]

..adding that the Palestinians never hated the Jews and that only the Israeli occupation was their enemy.

Hmmm I wonder how many civilian Jews (without death wishes) are willing to take an evening stroll through Gaza city. I remember a while back when the Israelis withdrew from some land, they demolished all their buildings, including religious buildings, before withdrawing. If only they knew how tolerant the Palestinians are.

Just when you might think there is a bit of room for compromise,

Zahar said Hamas did not rule out the possibility of accepting a temporary two-state solution, but expressed doubts over whether Israel really wanted to see the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

He presses the detonator button and blows all that to smithereens.

Later, Zahar's office issued a statement denying that he supported a two-state solution. The statement claimed that Zahar's statements had been "distorted."

Caroline Glick goes on to predict Hamas will rise in a similar fashion to the Taliban in Afghanistan, we all know what the outcome of that global indifference and odd condemnation was, hopefully Israel will wake up to the gathering of its foes and do something about it.

The rest of us need to follow the example of the Canadians, cut aid to Hamas, and start subsidising cement and building materials to Israel, strengthen and lengthen that fence.

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