Meet the UCLA medical school 'fat pride' staffer whose compulsory lectures warn trainee doctors that using the word obesity is 'violence'

Fat pride is rubbish.  Why would anyone be proud of being fat when it is both physically and socially disabling?  The whole idea is simply a defence mechanism by fatties who are unwilling to admit that they eat too much for comfort.  

I once had a medical condition that caused me to eat only half as much as I usually did.  And the weight just dropped off!  I was so pleased about it that I was slow to get the medical condition attended to.

And the whole point of gastric sleeves is to make the person cut back on how much they eat. And I have seen some real transformations in people who have had a sleeve put in. I know one lady whose love-life was really transformed by a sleeve

It really is simple.  If you don't want to be fat, you just have to eat less.  There is nothing inevitable or complicated about it.  What you do to cause youreslf to eat less is another matter.  It may not be easy but it is within your power.

UCLA medical school had been condemned by a renowned Harvard doctor for forcing students to take a 'fat-positivity' class. 

All first year medical students at UCLA are required to read an essay by Marquisele Mercedes, a self-proclaimed 'fat liberationist' who claims that 'fatphobia is medicine's status quo' and that weight loss is a 'hopeless endeavor.'

Mercedes's article, titled 'No Health, No Care: The Big Fat Loophole in the Hippocratic Oath,' is on the required reading list for the mandatory Structural Racism and Health Equity course. 

The class syllabus, obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, shows what students at the elite medical school are learning - which has attracted attention from experts nationwide who disagree with the teachings of the course.

UCLA 'has centered this required course on a socialist/Marxist ideology that is totally inappropriate,' said Flier. 'As a longstanding medical educator, I found this course truly shocking.'

The essay by Mercedes details how weight has come to be 'pathologized and medicalized in racialized terms.'

She offers guidance on 'resisting entrenched fat oppression,' according to the course syllabus. 

Mercedes claims that 'ob*sity' is a slur 'used to exact violence on fat people' - particularly 'Black, disabled, trans, poor fat people.' 

'This is a profoundly misguided view of obesity, a complex medical disorder with major adverse health consequences for all racial and ethnic groups,' Flier said - adding that teaching these 'ignorant' ideas to medical students is 'malpractice'.


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