Idiots for Obama Unite!

I had to laugh when I heard this Obama supporter on radio (thought it's rather pathetic) gushing how the campaign rally she attended was the most memorable time of her life. Why? Well, she says its because"
"I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car and I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage". (Watch the video here.)
Gee, no one has to work anymore? Big brother, the Messiah, will take care of everything if only you vote for him! I'm not surprised the Obama supporters are this stupid, but that's what you get when you run a campaign that promises to take money from people who earned it and give it to people who didn't. Too many people think that they are owed a living and think the government should provide it for them. What's worse is that they don't care that it won't work, just as long no one else is alowed to have more than they do.

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