Islamofascists and the left:

"It becomes a rhetorical question as to whether bias in the media infects its coverage of the news, including the war on Islamofascism. For example, why don’t the media ask hard questions of the Islamists as well? For instance, “In the five years of continued Muslim terrorist activity all over the world since 9/11, what exactly is in the Quran that justifies murder?” Or, “Why are there no Christian, Jewish or Hindu suicide (homicide) bombers?” I suggest you won’t see in-depth news shows covering such topics because such might cast Islam in an un-politically-correct negative light.

Is there then, what others have characterized as an “unholy alliance” between the American left, a pseudonym for the media, and Islamofascism? The answer is yes. The word “alliance” suggests a knowing, but perhaps unspoken affinity between the two groups, the Islamofascists and the American left."


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