Law experts

In America those law experts in the supreme court, tell us terrorists captured and held in Gitmo must not be tried by military commissions, no no, they probably want these good folks must be tried in civil courts, with fancy lawyers, legal posturing and human rights and all that touchy feely stuff.

Let's see what these law experts have to say then about an Israeli soldier captured by PA terrorists.
IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit is not a prisoner of war and is therefore not entitled to the full protection that international law affords POW's, Hebrew University international law expert Yuval Shani told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday.

"The Third Geneva Convention applies to states and therefore only grants the status of POW when both parties in the war are states, or at least entities that are close to states," said Shani. "In the case of Gilad Shalit, the group that is holding him is not a state nor does it act on behalf of a state, or apparently, on behalf of an entity which is close to being a state."

Nevertheless, Shani continued, this does not mean to say that international law does not provide any protection to Shalit. There was an article in each of the four Geneva Conventions dealing with prisoners taken captive in conflicts which were not of an international nature, he said.

The article bans violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; using prisoners as hostages; outrages upon a captive's personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment; and the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court.
You would lose count of the number of bleeding hearts anguishing over Hicks, berating America for holding these terrorists, but don't expect them to head over to Palestine to ensure the PA terrorists over there don't violate any of Shalit's rights.

You won't hear anyone crying for a speedy trial or whether he gets kosher food, why, he's a Jew.

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