A Tree By Any Other Name...

I wasn't going to weigh in on the Christmas tree vs holiday tree kerfuffle but since the story has generated so much attention and since I've been discussing the issue on blogs and forums all over cyberspace I may as well put pen to paper as it were.

Of course by now we all how the City of Boston suddenly found itself on centre stage after its decision to erect a holiday tree. Then just the other day Rideau Hall spokeswoman Lucie Brosseau said,
"At Rideau Hall, we will be putting up a holiday tree as we find it reflects the traditions of many cultures, and it is inclusive."
After a call from the Ottawa Citizen the decision makers at Rideau Hall quickly changed their minds. A spokesman for Governor-General Michaelle Jean declared the whole thing a mistake and that the Christmas tree is a Christmas tree afterall.

Even here in good ole Winterpeg we are not immune to such absurdity. Thanks to a series of columns by Tom Brodbeck of the Winnipeg Sun, officials at The Forks have decided to use the traditional name for the tree on display there. Last year the folks at the popular and historic Forks saw fit to proudly declare their tree a holiday tree. After a series of scathing articles by Brodbeck, which resulted in a public outcry, the good people at the Forks decided that they didn't want a repeat this year and so common sense prevailed.

The same thing happened a few years earlier when Manitoba's NDP government erected its own holiday tree at the Legislature. This too was short lived due to public anger.

Is it wrong to call a Christmas tree a holiday tree? Aren't we suppose to be living in a multi-cultural society where we are tolerant of all beliefs and faiths? The semantics involved here is not the problem. It is merely a symptom of a much larger problem. Political correctness has run amok in this country. Why must we continue to alter/amend/change our own traditions/customs/beliefs to accommodate various small sectors of our society? Why is wrong for us to want to hold onto the practices we believe are right?

This has nothing to do with race or religion. It has everything to do with a way of life we have enjoyed for generations. And that way of life is made up of the various little customs and traditions we enjoy today regardless of how silly or trivial they may seem out of context. The buzz word of multi-culturalism is tolerance. How did we come to be intolerant by expecting the tolerance of others? As my good friends over at United Right asked,
"If I were to permanently emigrate by choice, to say Sri Lanka, then I would embrace their culture, and try to adapt, and I would raise my family in Sri Lankan ways. To do otherwise, I would have to ask myself, why did I move here?"
UR explains further,
Canada is a great country, and welcomes people of all faiths and nationalities. That said, first and foremost, there has to be a sense of being "Canadian" and a pride in that, or else we will quickly find ourselves embracing the same nihilism as Europe. And ripe for the plucking by any other group with more entrenched and aggressive beliefs.
I think that sums it up quite nicely. I have several Muslim friends, one from West Africa and several others from Jordan. They have been living here for several years with the hopes of attaining citizenship. They are not offended when I wish them a Merry Christmas. Hell, they even join us in our celebrations! And they have taught me much about their own beliefs and customs. I would never be so presumptuous as to demand they change their customs, even if it is simply a matter of semantics, so that said customs are more palatable to me. Nor would I move to Jordan and demand they change the name of Ramadan because it offends my Christian beliefs.

There is nothing wrong with the idea of multi-culturalism but there is everything wrong with the way it is practiced in this country. In our zeal to be politically correct we are more than ready to flush down the toilet our own traditions. And that is wrong. To quote UR again,
Regrettably, that is the Liberal Party view of Canada. Divide and conquer. Multiculturalism is not about tolerance and understanding, it is about dividing people into tribes, all the better to manipulate them through their isolation and home grown hatreds.
And that is exactly what it has come down to.

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