Advertisements and Homer

The post that originally appeared here was deleted by Google as "hate speech". In it I simply reproduced a post by Malcom Smith that referred to the frequent appearance of blacks in TV advertisements.

I also added partially related comments about the poet Homer. As they are just a discussion about ancient history, I presume Google will not object to them so I reproduce them below

The "Greek" heroes in Homer were repeatedly described as blond or having golden hair: ξανθῆς δὲ κόμης ἕλε Πηλεΐωνα …. That is very rare in modern Greece. Modern Greeks are usually swarthy with black hair

Felice Vinci has solved that puzzle by pointing out that the events recorded by Homer probably took place in the Baltic many years before Homer was recorded. The attack on Troy was the work not of Greeks as we know them but of proto-Vikings. It was decribed by a Greek but that was not where the action originally took place

The full post that Google deleted does appear in my backups. The backups concerned are here. To see the deplored article just scroll down to the posts of 2nd Feb.

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