I’m a Feminist, but Women are Part of the Problem

Teresa Roberts

She cannot understand Republican-voting women. She does not consider that traditional roles might be largely inborn. Despite her early Christian background, she also seems to have no idea of the redemptive power of Christianity and its often powerful effect on behaviour.

She is right however in saying that women are very good at stabbing one-another in the back (metaphorically). She seems to see it as common and universal but I see it as especially true of feminists. The "sisterhood" is a myth

She is herself a real feminist as she sees good relationships between men and womens as "bedfellows with the enemy". So it is rather refreshing that she sees feminism as having limited appeal. I am amused to see that she rages at that. I suspect that she was just born angry

As time moved on and more and more women were earning better pay, building strong careers, having fewer children, getting married later in life, living with their partners outside of marriage, getting divorced if they weren’t happy, and some even choosing not to have children at all, I watched and approved.

I watched many of my peers become more interesting, independent, and better able to take care of themselves. Bravo!

More and more women were able to support themselves, pursue degrees, and develop strong interests and hobbies. I now number my female friends as far more interesting than most men I know. Women have definitely caught up with men in many areas of American culture and often surpassed them.

Yet, just about the time that I think we’ve won our independence, that the battle is over, and it’s time to get on with living our best lives, the rumblings of discontent start to get louder.

Unfortunately, the rumblings come from both men and women.

Just as my foremothers were not terribly supportive to me when I left the church and set out to live a life filled with freedom of choice, opportunities, and personal independence, women today are sabotaging not only my freedom but that of my daughter and granddaughter.

That makes me mad.

There are women like Jacky Eubanks, a legislative candidate in Michigan, who wants to see birth control banned in order to get Americans to comply with God’s moral law. You know, no sex before marriage. No birth control even in the marriage bed. Women should be having babies.

Suddenly, I’m back!

Back in the cult. I’ve been triggered big time. So much so that I literally feel nauseous. I’ve been betrayed by my own gender. It ruins an entire morning for me. I’m filled with fear for my daughter and granddaughter. How can this be happening? We’ve come so far. For the first time in history women have autonomy and personal freedom only to be betrayed by a woman. And, get this! Jacky isn’t an old woman either. She’s young.

Frankly, I find myself in the same spot I was in when I was a mere child, looking at my own gender with disdain. You see, I can understand what has driven men for centuries to deprive their wives, mothers, and daughters of the same opportunities that they believed belonged to all husbands, fathers and sons.

Nobody is anxious to give up their power. It’s a glorious place of privilege.

And, since most societies always have a pecking order, who in their right mind would volunteer to be at the bottom of the heap. Definitely not men. They are going through life with eyes wide open. If their power is threatened, they’ll brandish guns and knives, whatever it might take to keep the position their forefathers passed on to them.

Yet, there’s this other very strange phenomenon.

The downtrodden, those who are relegated to the bottom of the heap often will betray one another. I’m not a psychologist but I betcha a psychologist could explain this social aberration for lack of a better word.

What makes those who should unite in order to progress from the bottom of the heap in society to an equal position with those at the top often betray one another? What makes them vote against their own best interests? Why would they want to return to the Dark Ages, a grim time when their kind were without hope?

I don’t get it. Women do it all the time. Trust me, they will stick a knife in a sister’s back without blinking an eye.

I have to admit, when I see these women voting republican, cheering for the downfall of their own sisters, even willing to give up their own freedoms in order to become strange bedfellows with the enemy, I lose faith in humanity altogether.

There is a resurgence of this kind of woman.

They’re far more dangerous to me than the men with whom they are sleeping and forming an unholy alliance. These women can not be trusted. I wouldn’t turn my back on them for one minute.

Fortunately, they’re still a minority, but they think they’re invincible because their backing the big boys.

I’m done with them. I will never again befriend a woman who would feed me to the wolves. Never again. I will not offer them lenience nor try to find a way to extend a friendly hand to their kind.

They are dangerous.

The day of accountability has arrived for women. No longer will I allow women to use the victim card. They need to put on their big girl panties and step up to the plate. We’ve come too far and know better now. If you’re supporting, in love with, or have given your mind and body to a man who wants to muzzle and hold all women down, then you’re part of the problem.

You’re the biggest part of the problem.

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