‘Pure Racism’: Signs Depicting Obama as Crying Baby in Diaper Has Neighbors, Councilwoman Upset‏

Must not insult the sacred Obama. Call GWB a chimp and a Nazi and that's OK, though
New Orleans residents protested in front of a local man’s house Wednesday after he put up several signs in his yard depicting President Barack Obama as a puppet and a crying baby in a diaper, with one city council member even trying to determine whether the signs can forcibly removed.

In one sign, under the words “It’s Not My Fault,“ Obama wears a diaper and has speech bubbles coming from his mouth that read ”change me“ and ”I stink.” Another depicts him as billionaire George Soros’ puppet, standing behind a podium that reads “Seal of the Teleprompter of the United States.”

City Council Member Susan Guidry told New Orleans’ WWL-TV she’s concerned about public safety and is trying to figure out if the signs are even legal. “We have to determine that there is a zoning law that prohibits perhaps the size of the sign, perhaps the way that it’s erected, that it is leaning over onto public property,” Guidry said.

“This is nothing put pure racism,” said Raymond Rock. “This is a disgrace.”

According to WWL-TV, the home is owned by Timothy Reily, who declined to speak to the station. Neighbors said he’s been putting up signs for months, but only received attention after a local radio station talked about them on the air Wednesday morning.


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