Leftists and liberty

The Week, National Review - The State Department has formally suspended non-humanitarian aid to Honduras. Furthermore, it has made clear that it will not support the outcome of the upcoming Honduran elections (scheduled for November) unless the country’s recently deposed and exiled leader, Manuel Zelaya, is first reinstalled as president. Let’s see if we understand this: In order to be considered “legitimate,” the Honduran elections must be overseen by a Hugo Chávez disciple who was ousted from the presidency for (as Honduran supreme-court chairman José Tomás Arita wrote in the arrest order) “acting against the established form of government, treason against the country, abuse of authority, and usurpation of power.” The Obama administration has effectively turned Zelaya into a symbol of democracy. He is exactly the opposite. The administration’s mistreatment of the interim Honduran government is an ongoing travesty. In removing Zelaya from office, Honduran officials took a legal, constitutionally authorized stand against Chávez-style authoritarianism. They deserve praise, not punishment.


In its latest article on that perennial subject, Paul Robeson, the New York Times said two noteworthy things. It said that Robeson was “a pioneering and uncompromising human rights advocate.” And it said that he was “an enthusiastic, unflagging admirer of the Soviet Union, something he never renounced or backed away from, even in the face of Stalin’s atrocities.” Bless the Times for noting Robeson’s loyalty to Uncle Joe. But can you really be an uncompromising human-rights advocate and an enthusiastic, unflagging admirer of the Soviet Union?

Remember Hussein Obama dithering when Iranians protested against Ahmadinejad, it's in their nature you see. Sure, leftists might cry the odd tear or whine loudly whilst in opposition about how mean and nasty the commies and dictators are and how much they really love freedom and all that crap. But when push comes to shove, they usually fall on the side of the tyrannical, those that are the enemies of freedom and liberty.

Some say it's because they are stupid, which is true, your average garden-variety leftist is quite stupid and ignorant, but not all of them are stupid. I really think that the obama's and browns of this world know what they're doing and their actions are intentional.

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