It's COOLING you morons! - THOUSANDS of climate change activists have rallied at the Sydney Opera House and other iconic Australian locations to kick off a worldwide day of action billed as the largest ever. ......Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore said Australia was the first country to send a message to world leaders to take bold action on global warming when they meet in Copenhagen in December. "The time for talk is passed," Ms Moore told the Opera House rally.
Yes, yes, we know, the end is nigh, something must be done now, the end, the effing end is effing nigh, they shriek. These useless leftist parasites have been shrieking this for years and years now. Well, will ya effing hurry up and get on with the bloody end, they keep telling us that it's all going to vaporize if we don't drive our [not theirs] wretched cars into the sea and throw the flushing toilet after them. But we haven't and the planet still hasn't gone up in smoke. Oh and the only message we are sending to the world is that we're the only bunch of morons jumping to sign something, anything to tax ourselves for absolutely bugger-all. Sort of like hiring an expensive hit-man to help you shoot yourself in the ass.
"Real commitment to change must be made if we are to avoid devastation." "Already we know that this building, our Opera House, for decades a symbol of optimism and the human spirit, is under threat from global warming."
Well that's a first, so according to this moron the Opera house is going to vaporize(?), usually these morons come up with victims that are at least a bit plausible for their hysterical cause; the polar bears, some rat in northern Russia, hurricane, earth quake etc. Never heard of an actual building being in danger from a 1 degree change in temperature. Go on clover, tell us how the famous harbor bridge is going to fall into harbor if that bastard carbon isn't annihilated. For goodness sake, even the BBC is saying the wretched planet has been COOLING!
BBC - ......For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures. And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise.
Did ya get that ya freaking morons, it's frigging COOLING, not warming, COOLING morons! Oh and just so you leftist morons are clear, you schmucks are free to throw out your flushing toilets, clothes dryers, cars and turn to subsistence farming out in the bush to save the planet, no one stopping you. You can even start up your own taxing schemes and all that to buy carbon offsets. The rest of us have no problem with that, we just don't want to be forced to pay for your cultish beliefs because you neanderthals are too stupid to figure out the facts.

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