A gaggle of expensive ticks

Fox News - How good is the United Nations at reforming itself?

Not good at all, according to a lengthy study this year by U.N. investigators of a grandiose, five-year effort to streamline and coordinate the performance of a $778 million U.N. bureaucracy that is supposed to do what diplomats like to do best: hold meetings.

According to the report, the bureaucracy’s reform effort so far has been a near-total failure. ......After four months spent studying a much-touted “Integrated Global Management Initiative,” intended to improve the performance of the sprawling U.N. conference bureaucracy, the OIOS inspectors declared that they had discovered “no progress or change” in how the organization was able to allocate money and staff around the world.

Nor could the investigators discover any cost savings as a result of the global reform effort. In fact, the report says, “no attempt has been made to track any savings or efficiency gains.”

Nor, the report continued, was there any evidence that successive top U.N. managers had done much to change the situation. They had not, for example, created “mechanisms for coordination and alignment” that would hold managers to account for failing to make the system work better and more coherently.

Just as disturbingly, the inspectors declared that they were “unable to vouch for the accuracy and veracity of data” given to them by the conference bureaucracy for evaluation.

Just remember the above the next time one of your politicians prattles on about how wonderful the UN is and how we all need to be closer [read 'subservient'] to them. Most of the UN are nothing more than worthless, dangerous parasites who hate liberty and are only there to hinder and hobble, those of us who are too stupid to get it and aid those of us who similarly hate freedom and liberty.

They produce nothing, they haven't stopped a genocide and the UN is now pretty much a global platform for sniveling, hate-filled scumbags like Chavez and Ahmadinejad to spout their particular brand of hate.

In other words they're much like ticks on a dogs body, they're stuck to our collective bodies, sucking and sucking blood from us in the form of our taxes and giving nothing in return. They're not accountable to anyone and yet they get so much of our money. Why we continue to support these worthless parasites is beyond me.

Can someone tell us something that they do for the world, anything however small, if there is, I'd like to know. Otherwise it's like taking cash out of your wallet and just flushing it down the toilet with bottled water.

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