Failed Leftist Policies Presented As Gun Crime

By AR - A tragic story from Finland:
An 88-year-old gunman has killed his two daughters and shot his wife before turning the gun on himself in northern Finland, police said.
The article presents a possible reason for the murders:
The two mentally disabled daughters - both in their 50s - died immediately from gunshot wounds at home, police said. Later, the gunman went to a local health centre and shot his bedridden wife before returning home, where he killed himself.
But what is the knee-jerk headline for this tragedy?
88-year-old gunman kills his family
Perhaps realising this is not the story to inflame the sensitivites of the anti-gun lobby, the SMH has now changed the headline somewhat:
Gunman kills daughters, wife and self
What this story really represents is the failure of leftist policies of closing institutions and forcing disabled people to live in the community, and putting the burden of care on their families. I can only imagine this man living with the fear that one day he will be unable to care for his daughters. Those fears must have been finally realised when his wife became bed-ridden. He would have felt he had no options, thanks to the social-progressives. And how is he represented? As a "gunman". He cared for his daughters for over 50 years, but now he's a common gunman. Of course I'm making an assumption here, but I'd bet that is how it played out. I'll make another assumption - leftists will call for greater gun control to prevent murders like these from happening again, but will remain stumm on the real issue.

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