Thank God for the Internet & Blogs

This morning, I woke up and decided to turn on the TV, to see what’s happening around the world, I tried Channels 9 & 10, but they had Fishing in the Northern Territory and Music hits, since neither could tell me what is going on in the world, I settled on Channel 7. I quickly realized why I seldom watch the news on the TV and why I prefer to get my news via the internet and blogs.

In the 20 minutes I wasted, I learned that Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are friends or more than friends, not sure which. I also learnt the Britney occasionally forgets to wear underwear. I also found out that Elton John is married to a man and is now off drugs, he also had a fight with Madonna at some point in the timeline. When dear Elton was asked about same-sex marriage and what he would like to say to our John Howard on the matter, it was a not-too-eloquent ‘Up Yours’, well he should know a lot about that shouldn’t he.

Then I heard that women luv the new James Bond, I did hear somewhere, that in real-life he’s does not like Guns, apart from that I don’t even know what his name is, perhaps that is a blessing, a brain cell has been saved.

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