Geoff Gallop: The only Australian suffering depression

I wasn't going to say anything about Geoff Gallop quitting politics because of depression, save to say while I am glad the communist scum has gone, his possible replacements are just as bad.

But I can't remain silent any longer. What has pissed me off is not so much he himself, but all the bullshit being spewed out by morons about how brave and courageous he is for coming out and admitting depression.

Boo hoo hoo. He is suffering depression. Boo hoo hoo.

Yeah it must be really depressing trying to work out what to do with the millions he has stolen from WA taxpayers.

And oh yes, how brave and courageous to quit your job and have nothing but your multi-million dollar politician superannuation package to depend on and sustain you.

All this support for his "bravery" flowing in is pathetic. “Oh no! Poor Geoff Gallop has depression and admits to it. Let’s all fellate him.” Why it's almost as if nobody else has ever suffered depression... (Much like it surprised me to learn that Kylie Minogue was the only woman to suffer breast cancer...)

Guess what morons? More than 800,000 Australians a year are suffering depression. I myself have been suffering depression for most of the past 11 years. About six years ago I was probably at my worst. Things improved for awhile (in comparison to that point anyway) but about two and half to three years ago I found myself right back down there again. I had some decisions to make at that point and while it wasn't always smooth sailing, things started moving in an upward trend. The last six or seven months have been really good, so much so I think I might have beaten it for good... touch wood.

Did I get to go see taxpayer funded doctors to talk about it? No. I had to pay to see my doctor and psychologist...sorry...Cognitive Behaviour Therapist was the pompous title he gave himself I think……(and as I have said before, I got more benefit and therapy out of The Asylum than I did from him)

Did I get access to a multi-million dollar superannuation package to support me so I could quit my job and focus all my attention on getting better? Nope.

I didn't get to do those things and neither do most of the 800,000 Australians suffering depression. I, like them, had to keep working to be able to afford to pay for my treatment.

If being depressed and admitting to it is all it takes to be applauded for being brave and courageous – well where’s my standing ovation? I deserve more than applause and I’ll explain why.

My dosage on one of the anti-depressants I was taking was getting up really high and didn't seem to be helping the depression at all. I discussed this with my doctor and he agreed we should try another one so started bringing my dosage down in order to swap to a different anti-depressant. One day I am reading an article about a woman who was on a high dose of anti-depressants and had a psychotic breakdown and killed her kids or tried to or something equally horrible and later in the article it mentions both the anti-depressant and the dosage. And fuck me – it was the same one I was taking a really high dosage of and my dosage at its peak was about 100mg more than hers was!

So not only did I battle (and apparently beat) depression, I did it while taking a high dosage of an anti-depressants known to cause psychotic episodes at high dosage levels (albeit rarely, less than 1:1000 I think was the finding) and never actually having one. (Though some might argue that point)

Since all the dipshits out there are falling over themselves to congratulate Gallop on how brave he is, doesn't my achievement warrant it even more?

Of course not. Because I didn't do anything brave or courageous. I, like most of the 800,000 other Australians, simply got on with life while undergoing treatment.

(Also because I don't want praise from dipshits. If you really want to help out, just shut up and stop being such aggravating morons. I know you most likely aren't the cause, but being such aggravating morons, you are not helping. Be kind and give depression sufferers one less reason to think "why bother?")

I was just an ordinary person battling depression and I was nothing different from any of the almost one million other Australians suffering depression. And Geoff Gallop is also nothing different from any of the others suffering depression.

He’s is no more brave or courageous than any one of them - most of them suffering it without being able to quit their jobs and survive. All you dipshits polishing his knob over this would do well to remember that.

So wish him well if you desire, spare a thought for all the other depression sufferers, and then shut the hell up about how brave and courageous this or that particular sufferer is and let all sufferers get on with trying to overcome it.

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