More people may be hospitalized with low sodium levels due to climate change

This must be about the most twisted piece of reasoning I have seen. In plain language, hyponatremia is a low level of salt -- common table salt (NaCl) -- in the blood.  It is very rare.  We mostly have excess salt in our diet.  

People who work hard and sweat a lot can lose too much salt.  But salty food soon fixes that.  Marathon runners can be endangered if the large amounts of water they drink while running contains no salt but people involved with that are aware of the danger and act accordingly. "Sporting" drinks generally contain salt

The main cause of hyponatremia is hospitalization.  Hospitals have absorbed the "dangers" of salt and keep it out of the food they give to inpatients.

But aside from that, people run no risk of being low on salt

A new study has found that more people become hospitalized due to hyponatremia in temperatures above 15 degrees Celcius.
With climate change expected to increase temperatures across the world, the study predicts that an increase of 2 degrees Celsius could increase cases of hyponatremia by 13.9%

The human body needs sodium for various body functions — from conducting nerve impulses to regulating heart rate, digestion, brain activity, and blood pressure.

A person with mild hyponatremia may have no symptoms but if sodium levels drop too low or too fast, symptoms might include difficulty concentrating, headaches, and nausea. In more severe cases, symptoms can include confusion, seizures, and coma.

Seasonal changes in temperatures have also been linked to an increase in the prevalence of hyponatremia

In a recent study, researchers at the Karolinska Institute quantified the effect of outdoor temperature on the risk of hospitalization with hyponatremia.

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