Huckleberry Finn censored

We read:
"Mark Twain's classic novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is to be censored to remove racially insensitive terms from the text. The 1884 book has been removed from the curricula of dozens of U.S. schools due to 217 uses of the word 'n****r' and two Twain scholars plan to release an expurgated version.

A new edition replaces the 'N word' with 'slave' and also expels all uses of 'injun', a derogatory reference to Native Americans.

The scholars say the new version is a bid to make the book's treatment of race more in line with 21st century values but critics say the censorship is taking political correctness too far.


Once again kids will be denied knowledge of their past. History lessons have been dimbed down, and now literature must not give kids a window onto the way we were. I am sure the Left live in fear that people might one day learn that much less restrictive societies once existed.


  1. Why don't they go and defaecate on Mark Twain's grave as well? The use of those words was meant to be a powerful indictment of racism, but I guess some people in this world are just too intelligent to grasp that.

    Snivelling curs and fuck-knuckles, the lot of them!!

  2. I am sure that there are many other oldies that have to be censored but i guess this is a good start! I am sure Mark Twain is turning over in his grave!!!

  3. This is just history repeating itself in regards to Huck Finn and free speech.

    People need to be vigilant.


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