A curious statistic

Blogspot have recently added a facility to all their blogs which informs the blogger (but not anyone else) how many "page views" the blog has had each day.

Although I have been blogging for 8 years now, there is still a lot I don't know about it. And one thing I don't understand is "page views". Most bloggers have somewhere on their blog a counter which tells them how many people have visited their blog each day. And such counters give "no. of hits" (which I understand) plus "no. of page views" (which I don't understand). How do they define a page and how they do know how many pages a reader viewed? Beats me!

But here's the curious bit: For most blogs "page views" are only about 20% higher than no. of hits. But NOT for this blog. Page views as given by blogspot are more than double the number of hits as given by sitemeter. The apparent implication is that people who read this blog look at a lot that is on it. But how blogspot knows that is a mystery to me.

To add to the oddity, blogspot counts of page views usually agree pretty well with other counters such as sitemeter -- but again not for this blog. Sitemeter gives a much lower number of page views.

But presumably blogspot know best what is happening on their own servers so I am inclined to think that what they say must be right and that this blog gets more readers than sitemeter picks up


  1. John, sitemeter counts your "readers" (i.e., ar and Eugene).

    Blogger counts those two plus the people who call by to laugh at you.

  2. Up to your usual standard of profundity, Toaf

    Nice to hear you are still calling here to improve your education, though

    I feared we might have lost you

  3. We - who is we, John? Your contributors abandoned you months ago; some even years ago.


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