So much for the spending cuts

Fox News - President Obama sent Congress a $3.8 trillion budget Monday for fiscal year 2011, pushing a plan that includes new jobs-creation programs but is projected to add nearly $1.3 trillion in deficit spending on top of the current year's projected $1.6 trillion deficit. ...The Senate moved last week to extend the nation's debt limit to $14.3 trillion to accommodate the projected gap for the current spending year, which ends Sept. 30, but with another $1.3 trillion hole next year, the nation's debt could reach $15.6 trillion by Oct. 1, 2011. That would surpass the nation's annual gross domestic product.

...Obama on Monday blamed much of the nation's budget woes on tax cuts passed under the prior administration, as well as the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and other programs.
In other words, blame Bush, blame Bush. If you really thought it was all Bush and the wars, then surrender the wars and jack up taxes obama. After all you lot already think that it's all Americas fault anyway, that slapping terrorist scum around is the source of terrorism, that a lack of social justice and western imperialism is the problem. If you have the courage of your convictions obama, then walk away, take your shit and go home, peace and utopia ought to follow if you are right. Unless off course you're just talking shit and making excuses because the slimestream media are only happy to swallow the it-was-Bush line without question.
"We have to do what families across America are doing -- save where we can, so that we can afford what we need," Obama said. "We won't be able to bring down this deficit overnight."
No one is asking you to erase it by tomorrow chump, they've been asking you to do something about it for the last year, but I suppose if you only have two brain cells and can only remember what happened 48 hrs ago, it can seem like they're carping for you to do something overnight.
According to White House estimates, the budget's deficit for fiscal year 2013 would drop to $700 billion before jumping back up to $1 trillion in 2020, the furthest out that budgeters will predict.
So for the next decade, it'll be deficit, year after year after year. So basically there never will be a reduction of, this is it, deficits and that's it for ever. He's right about one thing though, families across America will have to 'save where we can', someone's got to pay for all the obama spending after all.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. And exactly how much have you contributed to the estimated USD 956,312,000,000 cost* of the "war on terror"? Talk is cheap.

    * Per a minute ago.

  3. Not quite sure what the point of that was, but from what i could see, they don't take any form of payment, so i take it you haven't contributed much either.

  4. The point of all the spending now is so that leftist governments can respond by slashing spending later on whatever programs that don't suit their destructive agenda. Krunt's campaign against private health insurance, anyone?

  5. Not to mention the campaign against old folks. I was listening to a letter being read on radio this morning by an old person. Basically he was saying, just legalize euthanasia Rudd and be done with us.

  6. I watch O'Reilly and his opinions are usually pretty spot on, but he is so short on what Obama's real spending agenda is that I cannot for the life of me figure why he can't see it.

    Glenn Beck gets it! And so does Rush Limbaugh, but O'Reilly can't see the forest for the trees!

  7. He doesn't get the real agenda of the left Nemesis, he thinks that obama is basically a good fellow. Like many people out there, they need to be dragged through the shit and suffer for a while before they figure out the left.


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