Chosing the Chosen People

Israel is booming - privatising, lowering taxes, unleashing an astonishing level of innovation. In the way Hong Kong transformed mainland China, so will Israel transform the Middle East.

So says George Gilder, author of the The Israel Test, in this great interview.

And what is "The Israel Test"?

GEORGE GILDER: Do you admire and emulate excellence and accomplishment, even if it excels your own? Or do you envy and resent it? And try to tear it down?

That’s the Israel Test and it is administered by cosmic law — the law of capitalist success: The good fortune of others is also one’s own. The people who admire and emulate excellence thrive. Those who resent and envy it gnash their teeth and tear their hair and never accomplish anything worthwhile.

You can see the Israel Test play out in the Middle East and in Washington.

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