Kevin Rudd - Gutless wonder! - THE Rudd Government is considering military-style "boot camp" training for unemployed youth. THE Federal Government wants military-style "boot camp" training overseen by the Department of Defence for Australia's unemployed youth, Cabinet sources confirmed last night. The Sunday Telegraph has learned Canberra is keen on the move to stop the loss of a generation to welfare as a result of the recession.
I had a good hearty laugh when I read this one. I mean seriously, boot camp for unemployed youth, if it were someone apart from Kevin Rudd proposing/considering this, I'd take them half seriously. Look at the evidence folks, our prime minister Kevin Rudd went on national television a few weeks ago, beating his chest and waffling the following - people smugglers were the "vilest form of humanity" and should all "rot in hell". He also called them "the scum of the earth".

This was in relation to the leaky boat that caught fire and a bunch of people got burnt and are currently being treated in our hospitals at our expense. Strong words aren't they, you'd almost think Rudd hates them or something, yet this fellow didn't ask his officials to separate the people-smugglers of that boat from the people they were carrying and leave them to rot and suffer. I mean the fellow said they should "rot in hell" but when given the chance to actually go through with it, he chickened out.

The other thing is that Kevin Rudd and his Labor party that run some states in this country cannot even make convicted graffiti vandals clean up their crap. They don't even have the balls to do that and people seriously think they'd send unemployed youth to boot camp! Ain't gonna happen folks, it's just more government policy and announcements on the run, to give the impression that the clowns are very busy doing something. What a joke they are, and as for Kevin Rudd, apart from abusing his staff and screaming abuse when he doesn't get his way like a small child, when it really matter, he's just a hollow, gutless wonder!

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