Millionaire alarmist - Peasants must pay for climate change

Daily Mail - Tough new targets on tackling climate change will cost Britain £500 a year per household, push up utility bills and force 1.7million Britons into fuel poverty by 2020. The grim predictions came from independent Government advisers yesterday as they set targets for slashing greenhouse gas emissions. The influential panel led by millionaire business guru Adair Turner wants the UK to cut levels by up to 42 per cent within 12 years.

A report from the Committee on Climate Change said the sacrifice would be worth it 'given the consequences and higher costs of not acting'. It admitted that shifting to a 'low carbon economy' could cost 1 per cent of gross domestic product - the equivalent of £14billion a year or £500 per household - by 2020. But the committee insisted the target was essential to prevent dangerous global warming.
Why is it that millionaires seem to have no problem whatsoever with slugging us peasants with additional costs, because we'll all burn to a crisp otherwise? Makes you wonder eh. I wonder if those grimly predicting dire consequences will outline what exactly each of these households will get in return for their £500 a year.

After all we're constantly told, the science is in, the research is done, all the scientists have been beaten into line or 'taken care' of, so one would think that with all their fancy models, pie charts, dark-colored arrows predicting doom and cannibalism, they'd be able to tell us quite easily what'll happen after we travel on this global warming bandwagon of theirs.

More rain or less rain? Less snow and by how much? Will the seas that are already filling our basements recede and if so, by how much and by when? Will we get longer winters and if so, by how much? Is the average temperature going to drop and by how much and by when? 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, what? If they have the spine to give us some solid facts and figures, will we get our money back if the future doesn't turn out the way they insist it will?

You folks had better start asking these questions because the global warming millionaires are putting their schemes into action, schemes that will cost you. If some fool turned up at your door asking you for 500 bucks to stop the heat, would you just hand it over, no questions? Treat these con men the same way folks.

And while you're feeling a bit confused and in need of answers. Global Cooling is Here and Wind Power Exposed.

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