Masai warriors meet the PC weasels

Daily Mail - Six Masai warriors running the London Marathon have been warned that hunting lions will seem easy compared to dealing with the English. The men, who are making their first trip to Britain from their remote village in Tanzania, have been given a four-page cultural briefing of dos and don'ts. Among this list - The tribesmen are also given a rundown on how to deal with criminals. "If someone was to see a thief and chase after him and, when they catch him they hurt him, then the person who hurt the thief would go to prison as well as the thief," it explains.
And it never occurs to the stupid PC weasels that this might be why some of us gun/weapon-'free' countries have such a problem with violent crime. Even if the Masai were to try and explain to the stupid PC weasels how to deal with criminal scum, they'll never listen to these savages from Africa, however 'noble'. The PC weasels will just pet the Masai on the head and tell them to run the race and go back to their village with their crazy ideas about liberty. Wouldn't want the sheeple here to get any ideas now would we, the PC weasels wouldn't be able to push us around and stay in control if we were free men would they, they don't like that, the sniveling parasites.

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