Bell Curve Politics and the Inkblot

It looks like Haloscan is still having problems, but luckily (or unluckily depending on your point of view) I can still post to the website, and I wanted to comment on JR’s posting “Obama as a Rorschack Inkblot”. The article provides some interesting insight into how political campaigns are conducted, often avoiding issues and logical arguments in favor of emotional appeals. The one taking place in the USA is a particularly good example of playing to emotion rather than addressing the issues. Instead of discussing the most important issues of the day, the political strategies seem to be playing to the lower half of the intelligence bell curve, intentionally appealing to the ignorant portion of society. It’s what I like to call ‘Bell Curve Politics’.

The idea of Bell Curve Politics is that half the population is of below average intelligence and the party that plays best to the ignorant and stupid has an advantage in being elected because these people are more easily duped. These people are not interested in reality, facts, the issues, or logical arguments, but are more interested in and susceptible to appeals to their feelings and self esteem.

This is why you get contradictory comments from Obama supporters since they see what ever they want. This is why they say things like, he will “say `no' to a lot of this government spending”, when he has already proposed about $290 billion in additional yearly spending. Or they say things like, he has a “policy - it's my favourite - ooh, I can't remember right now." These people are nearly brain dead. They think he “can do anything”, that he’ll solve all their problems, but don’t bother to ask them how because they haven't got a clue. It’s not about issues, facts, or logical arguments, it’s about feelings. Obama is just “a likable guy and he inspires people”, which is of course how a lot of Germans felt about Hitler.

Conservatives have a natural difficulty in dealing with these sorts of people because of the conservative tendency to focus on history, facts and logical argument. But logical arguments are wasted on the lower half of the Bell Curve, they are simply not interested in thinking and would rather live in a feel good dream world (like Cuba), even when that world has repeatedly been proven not to exist (this is often referred to by liberals as being "nuanced"). Conservatives have already lost most of the lower half of the Bell Curve before they ever begin to present their arguments because arguments based in reality are not what people want to hear or think about. They want to feel good.

This is not to say that there are no smart liberals or few dumb conservatives (and of course there are many people who are ignorant by choice), but when trying to win an election it is much easier to win if you already have the stupid on your side. So, by playing to these people, talking about “change” and “hope”, but saying little of substance, you can win over a huge chunk of the population. In turn, this makes it less necessary to win a large amount of the people on the upper half of the Bell Curve who are thinking about the issues, certainly it's not needed to win a majority. And without the need to win over the upper half, there is no need for well reasoned and thoughtful arguments to support you positions, which allows one to avoid many issues and facts altogether. This suits the leftists well, whose policies have failed over and over, are detrimental to the cause of freedom, and which ultimately end up hurting everyone.

Want to understand political campaigns? Look to the Bell Curve.

P.S. "The Bell Curve" refers to a book by by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray dealing with intellegence, which argued that in the future, society would be devided not by race, but by intellegence. Don't get too hung up in the analogy, in reallity most people are in the mid section of the Bell Curve and it doesn't mean they are dumb.

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