I Survived Roe v. Wade

The other day, while I was shuffling along on the internet, I happened to notice an ad at one of the sites, it was for t-shirts with the above message on them. As we all know abortion is something leftists will fight tooth and nail for, apart from Communism and tyrants, it’s the next best tool to end human life. It’s a good caption, to say you escaped abortion, but wait, the war’s not over yet, just because you were born, doesn’t mean leftists will suddenly start coddling you and caring for you.
See what else I stumbled upon whilst shuffling along on the internet, thanks to the Jungle Mom from The Jungle Hut, being born in a socialist utopia is just the first battle folks.

Some of the new education laws being passed by the Venezuelan Government.

(Here is a quick translation) Sorry I don't have time to do a better translation!!!
Article III
From the moment of passing of this law, all minors below the age of twenty will be under the direct authority of the State.
Article IV
Minors will remain in the care of their parents until the age of 3, after which they will be turned over to the state for physical, mental and civic education. They will be enrolled in Infant Circles to be run by the state.
Article V
The Organization of Infant Circles will do what is necessary so that the minors between the ages of 3 and 10 will remain in the same province as their parents. They will allow the child to visit the parents in the home at least 2 days a month in order to maintain the family nucleus.
At the age of 10, each minor will be sent to wherever he will be of most value to the state and of the interests of the nation.

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