Humanity’s curse

Is anyone else as appalled as I am by the carry on from the Australian press? For the last few weeks, I’ve been watching one of the most self-indulgent and repulsive feeding frenzies I think I’ve ever witnessed - carrion calls of the most foul kind - as the Australian MSM, and the leftist MSM in particular, have been working overtime to try to destroy John Howard.

For me, the level of vitriol has become unbearable.

So far has this gone now, that these vile swine have actually had a fair stab at trying to destroy the latest APEC meeting, which Australia happens to be hosting. Torpedoing a crucial international forum in order to attack the Prime Minister? It’s called cutting off your nose to spite your face, but with one desperate difference: the face is our nation, its future, its wellbeing . . .

This display has been deeply telling, as these freak shows of naked agenda pushing always are. It’s yet another example of how far these creatures will go to score political points (and further their personal political beliefs): as far as to burn down the house.

So where does humanity’s curse fit in? The eventual fall of the Byzantine Empire springs very much to mind as I watch this awful display, and the much earlier Nikka riots in particular.

Because every age has had its ‘leftists’.

They inevitably reap the whirlwind (as recorded history has shown); problem is they take what is good into the vortex with them. . .

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