NZ Maori are killing kids..

But some high-profile Maoris are beginning to be heard, at last:
"The quality of debate in this country on Maori issues is poor, cowardly, non-analytical, and none of it serves the Maori people well. Like social welfare, which many of us have warned about for years, every government benefit takes another breath of the recipient’s self-respect away. Until they choke on self-hatred and maim and kill themselves and others.

You see we’re having thrust upon us, rammed down our throats in fact, this “Maori as we were” model (before, it is implied, the Europeans came along and ruined us morally and culturally.) Its advocates are insisting that we think differently – yes, we do, but it shouldn’t be assumed we can’t change, not if the same thinking is holding us back from advancing – we have a different world view, we have greater difficulties adapting to Western culture. So just give us the money and we’ll figure out the solutions to our own problems. When demonstrably we can’t. Why not? Because our base line is a Stone Age societal model which patently does not work in this modern world. When are we as a nation, starting with government, going to say “enough is enough.”?"
Alan Duff (Maori author)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure any reasonably intellegent person would be appalled when reading this nonsence.
    It is always so easy to blame the system for our failers. The welfare system is available for struggling families as a temporary aid. The benefit should not be a way of life and to be on welfare should certainly not be accepted as an occupation.

    Stop making excuses and be a proud people. Stop blaming the system. It is not the systems fault that your children are not properly educated. Education starts at home. Be a role model for your kids and break the walfare cycle.


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