Fairness Doctrine in Venezuela?

An opposition-aligned television channel, already booted from the airwaves, faced a deadline Wednesday to agree to carry speeches by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez or be yanked from the cable lineup. The country's telecommunications commission gave Radio Caracas Television, or RCTV, until midnight Wednesday to register as a national producer, a category that would require it to interrupt its programming at the government's request to transmit Chavez's speeches. Source.

MK – Over in the USA, leftists are angling to force conservative talkback radio to present their useless points of view. Off course it’s disguised as “both sides of the story”, but in reality lefties have their own mediums and they are welcome to run their own radio stations where they can waffle on about peace, social justice, gay rights etc. Unfortunately for them the public are not interested in their boring and condescending lectures from the ivory towers, hence leftie losers are trying to weasel their nonsense down the throats of unwilling listeners on the backs of successful folks like Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham.

From the looks of it, their hero Chavez is also trying to force every one to pay attention to his empty promises and grand plans that result in keeping Venezuelans poor, don't you leftists in America wish you had such power back home. What is it with these leftist morons, get it through your head, we don’t want to hear your crap ok, if we wanted to, we’d join the rest of the welfare queens, criminals, substance abusers and other such losers to gather under your ivory tower to hear you prattling on about Utopia. And because you’re slow, I’ll say it again, we don’t want to hear your crap, so leave us alone.

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