Absolute Moral Authority?

An Australian woman injured in the 2005 London bombings will appear in a television advertisement asking Prime Minister John Howard whether those attacks and the latest terror plot were linked to Iraq. Ms Barry conceived and wrote the commercial, funded by left-leaning group GetUp!, which will screen on Sydney on the second anniversary of the blasts, Fairfax reported.

In the ad, Ms Barry tells Mr Howard: "You got us into this mess" and "it's your responsibility to get us out". "The situation clearly is not getting any better. I don't want what happened to me to happen to other Australians or anyone else for that matter," she says in the ad. "The recent attacks in the UK brought back some really painful memories," she says. "Wasn't going to war in Iraq supposed to make us safer, not put us in more danger? "I don't have all the answers and I'm not an expert, but I do know something about the real cost of terrorism." Source.

MK – As much as I’d like to tear her argument to pieces, I won’t go too far, out of respect for this poor woman. What happened to her is tragic and I hope she recovers from this and I sincerely wish no one else ever has to suffer her fate. I will say this though, it appears she has been influenced by leftwing parasites and is just being used by them to push their own loathsome ideology during an election year.

The September 11 bombings, the embassies in Africa and a lot of other attacks all happened before the liberation of Iraq. The British withdrew a number of their troops from Iraq recently, but you still had bomb plots to murder you just days ago. The Spanish withdrew after they were bombed in Madrid, but 7 of their citizens were killed a few days ago in Yemen. If we all withdraw from Iraq and walk away and still get attacked, do we then go back or do we all withdraw from our own countries instead

My advice is to consider her last quote as the most appropriate.

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