Racism, yeah pig’s bum it is

Good on the court for tossing out the whingers, how the hell is this racist? Last time I checked Islam is not a race, there are black, indian, asian and white muslims. These people are not turning anyone away, beggars cannot be choosers.
A French court has ruled that an organisation with far-right links can continue offering pork soup to the homeless, rejecting police complaints that the food distribution was racist.
If we follow the logic of the whingers, then vegan bums can claim discrimination, those of you who don’t eat pork can claim discrimination, people who cannot leave home due to disability can claim discrimination because the organization doesn’t bring the food to them.
Police banned the soup kitchen last month, arguing that the handouts discriminated against Jews and Muslims who do not eat pork on religious grounds.
Hang on just a minute, a sincere note to our Jewish readers, incase any of you are foolish enough to believe this, let me clear things up. It may be painful, I may be sounding mean, but let me assure you, the whingers don’t give a pig’s bum about you. If the right-wing organization was a bunch of neo-nazis [and they may well be] who would shoot any homeless Jew turning up for a feed, but had a separate ‘halal’ section for Muslims, the whingers would have dismissed it as a minor incident. The mayor would have suddenly taken an intense tax-payer funded interest in his navel and you’d be hung out to dry.
The mayor of Paris condemned the ruling and urged the police to appeal the ruling. "Faced by this initiative which stinks of xenophobia..
I think I’ll stop right there, the stink of crap substituting for his brain is reaching all the way down here. If they cared so much about the Muslim homeless, then why not start their own soup kitchen catering to Muslims, don't forget not to discriminate, wouldn't want to be hypocritical now would you.

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