What a Koch

Not good enough.

TV host David Koch has been forced to apologise to the nation after reciting an off-colour viewer joke about the PM and his wife, former ALP leader Kim Beazley, some snow and a bit of urine.
Off-colour? The joke was vile. It was also typical. Koch is your garden variety MSM morning show talking head: all chuckles and smiles and fluttering eyelids. But he's also a staunch lefty, harbouring the usual notion that we simply must listen to his personal political views (and that they are in any way worth listening to). In other words, he just can't help himself. . .

At the time, Koch defended his decision to air the joke, suggesting that it was relevant given Kevin Rudd's ALP leadership coup.
For anyone who caught the actual text of this Koch’s joke, its relevance was unquestionable – to a lefty. . .

But yesterday he said: "If I offended anyone, I'm sorry. Some people may think I crossed the line, and perhaps I did."
You’re not sorry. And you crossed the line. But then, your mindset generally does. I’d love to say I’ll be turning this imbecile off from now on. Fact is, I never watched the airhead (except by accident) to start with. I will certainly be ignoring the existence of the 'h' in his name, however. Now there's 'relevance'. . .

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