Peace in Our Time. . .

Overture to Iran defended by Iraq report authors

The Republican chairman of the Iraq Study Group on Thursday defended the panel's call to seek Iran's help in stabilizing Iraq but conceded he was told recently by Tehran that was unlikely "this time around."
Of course it was. And the Iranians must be laughing their backsides off as the globe’s hyper power tears itself apart from within.

Baker and former Rep. Lee Hamilton, a Democrat, were greeted by senators who questioned the value of inviting Iran to join a regional conference on stabilizing Iraq - a key element of the bipartisan report issued on Wednesday.
Given the Iranians (and Syrians) are stirring the pot (and arming it)? I simply can’t see where that question is coming from. . .

The report said the United States should begin to withdraw forces from combat in Iraq and launch a diplomatic push, including Iran and Syria, to prevent a "slide toward chaos".
Which is thinly veiled code for: we know they’re behind most of the trouble, and want to ask them ever-so-nicely to please stop it – please with a cherry on top. . .

The outreach to Iran prompted much of the skepticism.

Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman asked whether Iran would not extract an "unacceptable price" -- such as concessions on its nuclear program -- for any help it gives the United States in Iraq.
Scepticism? Try disgust. I find this heart breaking.

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