The Days of the WASP. . .

Another little Mussie article to warm a Lefty’s heart:

MUSLIM taxi drivers are refusing to carry blind passengers with their guide dogs or anyone carrying alcohol.
No doubt the Lefties will already have hoisted their skirts, ready to leap into combat on the underdog’s behalf (the Muslims, that is, not blind people). Fact is, blind people get told their dogs can’t go into all kinds of places (and anyone carrying booze in a cab generally has ‘trouble’ written all over them). It’s happened for years and, in the case of the blind, it’s down to ignorance of the law.

Of course the article was highlighting cultural differences and issues, but I wouldn’t have batted an eyelid at this, were it not for a particularly venomous little parting shot from one Neil Sach, the Victorian Taxi Association’s spokesman (no less):
"Muslims are good people and the community has to realise that the days of the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant are well and truly over," he said.
Oh, really?

We should all thank Neil ever so gratefully for kindly pointing out who the real baddie is here - not that anything of the kind was pointed out in the article, I might add; race wasn't mentioned at all - until Neil Sach mentioned it, that is. . .

And so the surrender gathers.

PS: Oh, and by the way, get fucked, Neil.

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