Leftists supporting terrorism

Back in comments of this thread a new commenter named Mondo Rock took issue with my statement that leftists are holding rallies in support of Hezbollah and other terrorists in their efforts to destroy the Jewish state.

There are no rallies from the Left supporting Hezbollah, nor are there rallies from the Left supporting Hamas. You're taking rallies that have been held in support of Palestine and pretending that they were actually intended to support the armed militants operating within Palestine.
For example you seem to hold the preconceived view that rallies supporting Palestine are rallies supporting terrorism, that rallies opposing the Iraq war are rallies supporting Saddam, and that anyone who does not rally in support of Israel, or specifically against terrorism, doesn't qualify as a genuine opponent of terror.

I never got a reply to my retort as the topic was pushed off the front page, but as Mondo is back, allow me to re-post it here:

Yep. Sure. In support of Palestine.

Go have a look at http://www.zombietime.com

Go through and get a good look at the leftist fuckheads and their peaceful

"Smash the Jewish State"
"Avenge Yassin"
Protestors dressed as terrorists
"Death to America"
"Support Armed Resistance in Iraq"
"Long live the Intifada"
"The Jewish State is a Criminal Entity"

Nope. No support for terrorists/no wishes to destroy Israel there. Or are you going to do a Lefty and say those people aren't really leftists?

Fuck the left. The left as it stands is not worthy of debate or understanding.

I said elsewhere that I probably wouldn't have a problem with the left if they would just fuck off and leave me alone and stop trying to inflict their fucked up world view upon me.

But no. Leftist fuckheads won't even admit that their fucked up world view is the problem - not the way it's been implemented (though that too was seriously fucked up)

Now you can ignore those last three paragraphs if you wish (though they are entirely true and correct), but get back to zombietime and his photos. Click on the Hall of Shame link for a good summary of it all. Scroll to the end of it for a lovely sign "The Left Will Rise"

But that is not all. Head over to LGF and look at the lovely signs featured. Nope. No support for terrorists or desire to destroy Israel there, either. And of course a leftist student's love poem to terrorists. Still can't see any support for terrorists there.....

Also take a look at Andrew Landeryou's slideshow from the Melbourne pro-terrorist rally.

Now are we supposed to believe that all those leftists, and all those leftist groups like ISM, ANSWERS, the WWP, the various Socialist Groups/Parties/Alliances are not really leftists just because some leftists say "that is not what the left is?"

Much like we are supposed to believe the Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pot, Castro et al were not leftists either just because leftists say they weren't? Every leftist regime has ended up the same way and yet we are supposed to believe that that result is not indicative of leftist regimes?

Come off it. We have history as a guide to what the left is. And that history (some of it as recent as last Sunday) paints a more truthful picture that any number of leftist lying here about what the left is.

(edit: sorry about the fucking around with the post. I guess that is what I should use the previwe button for...)

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