didn't Condi do well...NOT

from dreadpunditbluto:

Lebanese Army Ordered to 'Stand With' Hizballah
Even the UK's rabidly leftwing Guardian Unlimited seems to find this alarming:
An internal Lebanese army statement, circulated among forces in the past week, has called for troops to stand "alongside your resistance and your people who astonished the world with its steadfastness and destroyed the prestige of the so-called invincible army after it was defeated".
While the UN peacekeeping force is touted in the West as a deterrent to Hizballah terrorism with a mission to disarm Hizballah, Hizballah's leaders and supporters within the Lebanese army see the peacekeepers as reinforcements in their war with Israel:
The UN's expected deployment of 15,000 troops is seen as an additional force to assist in Lebanon's defence against Israel. "We are happy with such a large force to provide sufficient deterrent to Israeli aggression," said Gen Kader.
This article is a strong indication that those who opposed a quick-fix ceasefire were absolutely correct.


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