Maybe its just me

All together now, start wailing, FREEE SPEEEECHH!!!!
An instructor at the University of Wisconsin who has said he believes U.S. officials orchestrated the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, will be allowed to teach a course on Islam, the school said Monday.

Some state politicians had called for the University of Wisconsin-Madison to fire part-time instructor Kevin Barrett after he spoke about his theories on a radio talk show last month.

"We cannot allow political pressure from critics of unpopular ideas to inhibit the free exchange of ideas," Provost Patrick Farrell said in a statement. "To the extent that his views are discussed, Mr. Barrett has assured me that students will be free - and encouraged - to challenge his viewpoint."

The university does not endorse Barrett's theories, Farrell said, noting they are widely believed in parts of the Muslim world.
That's fine, now Associate Professor Andrew Fraser, formerly of the Macquarie University Sydney Australia; here is your chance, forward your CV over to the University of Wisconsin, mark it for the attention of Provost Patrick Farrell. I would like to see this free exchange of ideas.

But back to the Barrett fellow, I find this funny, maybe it's just me.
Barrett earned a doctorate in African languages and literature and folklore* from UW-Madison in 2004.
America is a democracy, everyone is entitled to make a fool of themselves.
Politicians who had called for Barrett's dismissal blasted the decision. State Rep. Steve Nass said he would push next year for cuts to the university's budget.
And the public's representatives are entitled to deny these fools access to public funds.

* defines folklore as - The traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally. A popular but unfounded belief.

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