Liberal Hypocrisy

Bruce Thornton writes a review of Peter Schweitzer’s Do as I Say (Not as I Do)

He concludes..

..liberal hypocrisy is the ultimate testament to the bankruptcy of most liberal ideas, for liberals “really don’t respect their own ideas and have privately concluded, whether they admit it to themselves or not, that liberalism as practiced today does not offer them a road map to happiness,” for these ideas are “ultimately self-defeating, self-destructive, and unworkable.” The sad truth, however, is that these ideas are enshrined in government programs and institutions imposed on millions of citizens, who unlike well-heeled liberals do not have the resources to escape the consequences of these utopian schemes. But at least with Schweitzer’s book, we all can have enough ammo for riddling the pretensions of our liberal hypocrites.

One for the must-read list.

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