Black coffee, black thoughts.....

0400 on a cold, wet Sunday. On an island in the Pacific. Perhaps not the best time to be thinking about what's happening to my civilisation and it's chances of survival.
Like many of us to the right of the political spectrum this writer has been looking at the news from Iraq and Afghanistan, noting the discrepancy between reality and what the MSM chooses to report, taking heart from the good news and the successes that make it past the filters applied by the media. The courage and restraint and sacrifice of our people in uniform.....

But it's an illusion, a fool's game and a refuge from facing the harsh reality that the war against islamofascism may already be lost.
No war can be successfully prosecuted without the support of the civilian population. A long war such as this must span various political parties in power and express the will of a whole population.Not unanimously but at least by majority assent and approval.

That will simply isn't there. Not in Europe, where guilt for the past and generations of students being indoctrinated with leftist claptrap immobilises governments. The complicit, lying media supply the anaesthetic as the red-hot knife of radical islam does it's filthy work. In America, Britain and Australia the media wallow in trivia as the poison spreads and the public mistake the bread and circuses for "news".
Sure, we have the best-trained and best-equipped armed forces in the world and the most motivated and courageous troops we could wish for.

And they're useless for this fight.

The fight must be carried out right here at home. This fight is against every leftist teacher, against every unprincipled lying politician who would sell a civilisation for votes. every "reporter" and editor without the integrity and courage to name the real enemy, every pc apparatchik who would ignore the lessons of history and civilisation in order to appease vocal, thuggish minorities.

British PM Tony Blair has called Islam “progressive” and praised the Koran for being “practical and way ahead of its time in attitudes to marriage, women and governance.”

Says it all.

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