About Face?

By night Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar dreams of a world map with no Israel on it.

By day he is placating his treacherous (but ultimately useless) allies in the UN.

The new Hamas-led Palestinian government has told the UN it wants to live in "freedom and independence side by side with our neighbours". The message came in the first official letter from new Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahar to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

The letter from the new Palestinian foreign minister to the UN secretary general was the first contact between the two since the new Hamas cabinet was sworn in. Mr Zahar said his cabinet was ready for serious and constructive dialogue and that they wanted to live in peace and security with their neighbours.

I suppose if you want to be picky, he didn't say 'side by side with Israel', he mentioned something about Israel's policies, so he could be referring to Egypt or Syria or some other country.

I wonder what the truth is, I am suspicious though, aren't these guys allowed to lie through their teeth, to get into a position of trust, to more easily slit the infidels throat.

What was that word again ... taqiya?

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